Wednesday 10 February 2010

Functions and Features of a Trailer

Types of trailers there are
A teaser trailer may be edited and released online, or it can be played in the cinemas as a promotion campaign. This is shorter than the actual trailer and is designed to stimulate the audience for more information about the movie. The word of mouth will start where people tell each other about the film. Then a theoretical trailer is played 3-4 weeks before the film is due to be released. Trailers are also used in television advertising campaigns, these are called TV spots. The reason why these maybe very short is because airtime is very expensive.

How trailers are chosen to preview before certain films
The cinema manager selects trailers aimed at similar target audience to that of the main film showing, hoping the attractions will encourage that audience to come back. The cinema manager does this based on their marketing knowledge. When the cinemagoers return this demonstrates the process is successful therefore it is repeated and produces a regular audience.
Trailers are also given classifications similar to the actual movie. For example a 15 certificate film trailer can’t be played in front of a younger audience when put on the television. Solutions to this may include cutting unsuitable material when showing the trailer and at the end letting younger viewers know they need to return with an adult to watch it.

Trailers- Location
The internet is now seen as a great way for film marketing. Websites such as IMDB, Apple movie trailers and official film websites all have trailers edited for all audiences. This is significant as in cinemas age restrictions may be hard to enforce. To comment on trailers, online forums are now available to discuss film releases and links to sites through social networking enable the audience to engage with the film before it’s released. A film distributor would see online marketing effective to gain an audience.

Trailers genre and how it’s established
We decode films when working out what the genre of it is, this is done through sounds and what we see. For example if its dark and screams are heard, then we may relate back to the genre of horror. This is recognisable images and sound conventions in that particular genre. There can be a mixture of genres so that it adds to the enjoyment of the audience. This is due to leading the audience in one direction and then going into another. Also the actors as well can add to the genre e.g. Jim Carey is related to comedy. Actors can encourage the audience to watch the film and let the audience know what the genre of the film is.

How does a trailer show that the film is worth going to see?
The film trailer must indicate that this film is better than other films within the same genre. This can be done through the USP (unique selling point). A USP is something distinct and innovative when using special effects. A USP can also include a famous actor/actress to attract an audience. It can also be a hybrid of genres. In general all these things make the movie different from all the others in the same genre.

What are the features of a trailer?
Trailers are made to use short space of time in which it grabs the audience’s attention. They are meant to create a particular atmosphere in which it gives the audience a sense of the whole movie. It only gives a little bit of the movie making sure the audience is lured in to find what the rest of the movie is about. Trailers are usually fast moving therefore needing the audience to stay focused on what’s going on. Sound is another feature as it can manipulate our emotions and can help create an atmosphere. The voiceover can be used to advertise the film. It can also summarise the trailer, credit information and generally promote the film by building anticipation.
Conventions of a trailer:
The conventions of a trailer include highlighting the best footage in the film .i.e. happiest moments or the saddest ones. Another convention can be the showcase of actors and actresses. Visual images stay on screen barely before the next image is seen to portray that it’s actually a trailer and conversations are kept short as well. Dramatic camera angles show events or characters. The voiceover is usually used to tell the plot or credit information. Music is used to create an atmosphere and generally a sense of what’s going on. Titles and credits may not appear until the end. A trailer builds tension and a climax, once it reaches the climax, the trailer ends.

The Functions of a Voiceover
-It gives us an indication of the plot, settings and characters.etc.
-It tells us who is starring in the film.
-It gives us information on the director and producer which may then give the audience an indication of the genre based on previous work they may have done.
-Gives us information on the film’s release
-It sets the atmosphere and tone for the film

Examples of a voiceover script:
Imagine that (paramount pictures)
For Evan Danielson life was all work and no play.
But he’s about to get some help.
From the last person he’d ever imagined.
From Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies.
This year ‘Imagine That’ the magic you’ve been looking for is right before your eyes.
Eddie Murphy.
Imagine That.

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