Tuesday 23 March 2010

The Making of the trailer + Equiptment needed to make it

Before filming we came up with a schedual so that everyone in our group had turns with diferent roles.ie directing, using the camera.etc.

Equiptment needed:
Red Light
Saw and Hammer (weapons)
Red Paint

Duing the making of the trailer we stayed after school, because we needed dim lighting therefore stayed for late hours from 4 till 6 filming. This was usually when it got dark and we could make shadows and ghostly figures which looked more ambiguous at this time. This was an important convention in horror movies as they usually include enigma.
Also whilst making the trailer we had to take diffrent shots of the same footage, so that we get a range of shots. ie. when Tara, Laila and Jay run down the stairs we took close up shots, mid sots , long shots.etc. This is so that when it comes to editing we can pick out the best shot for that part in the sequence of different shots we put together. We used different areas of the school building to create suspense and different scenes. When the last bit of the film happens when you see Jay dead we used different types of lighting again in the dark room to create that suspense.ie with the red light. All of our group had turns with the camera directing.etc. During the editing session, we cut lots of shots to make the trailer quick and sharp. This was again to follow the obvious conventions of horror.ie creating enigma and making the trailer more ambiguous. We put music as the background sound, so you don't hear any speech. This was again to help portray the idea of suspense. Also we got a teacher to do the voice over before we came to do the editing session, this also was put in the trailer at the begginning of it.

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