Wednesday 24 March 2010

Comparing and Contrasting Posters

From the three posters I have analysed, I have found similar conventions in all posters such as one main image, small print writing at the bottom of .etc. Also there were significant differences such as colours used, images of what was put on the posters.etc.

A major similarity between Blair Witch, Saw 2 and Final Destination is that they all have a large image that takes the centre of the page. It also is a very significant aspect to the film, or gives a big clue as to what the film is about. This is because images usually attract an audiences attention, so that is why the main focus is usually on the image. Also the image is never explained in any of the posters. This indicates that all the posters suggest enigma and ambiguity, which is a vital convention in horror movies.
Although the obvious difference between the images is what is actually put as an image on the poster. All the movies are different even though they are the same genre. So the posters have an image that is specific and that can create suspense within that particular movie.

The layouts of the images and where the writing around the poster is usually the details of the movie are right at the bottom, the image takes up the centre of the page and the title may be above or below the image. However there are minor differences between the layouts ie.on the Saw 2 poster the image is put to the left hand side and then it is jet black on the right handside. This maybe because of the idea that the audience will automatically read from left to the right therefore instead of placing writing there, they place an image which is very significant to the film. This suggests the idea of ambiguity as we don't know why that image of a puppet like figure is put there, however when you see the movie you realise it plays a big part within the plot. Whereas in Blair Witch there is writing placed right at the top, which none of the other posters have, it includes a brief paragraph of what the movie is about. This could be, because the image has trees in the background and half an image of a face, and it comes across as too ambiguous so the audience may get unintreasted. Therefore they have decided to put a paragraph of what the movie contains. This then will reassure the audience that the movie is entertaining, moreover, attracting them to watch the movie. Final Destination and Blair Witch are more similar as their images take the centre of the stage and is behind writing thats written on top of the image, suggesting the importance of the writing. Although in Blair Witch and Saw 2 there is all the details such as actors, producers, directors names and the website all written at the bottom, unlike Final Destination that only has the masthead, (title of the movie), at the bottom. Final Destination has a more plain layout in comparison to Blair Witch and Saw 2, which looks more chaotic due to the colours and writing written on them.

The colours used in saw 2 are the most brightest in comparison to Final Destiantion and Blair Witch. This is due to the fact it uses red and a pale type of yellow mixed with white. Whereas Blair Witch and Final Destination use darker colours such as black and blue. This could be, because they want to create more enigma, whereas Saw 2 makes the image look more attractive by using an alarming colour such as red. However one colour that is used in all 3 is black, this is because it creates suspense and annoymity, which suggests the conventions of a horror movie.

Saw 2 and Final Destination both seem to have a terrifying type of face, that relates to the theme of horror. Wheras Blair Witch has done the complete opposite as it doesn't use the killer or a frightening image to take the centre of the poster, instead is has used the setting of the movie and the fear in someones face to show how scary the movie is. Blair Witch has actually used the opposite approach, instead of using what is scary in the movie like Saw 2 and Final Destion has, they have used the surroundings and what the normal people in the movie deal with, to attract an audience. This is significant as even though nothing terrifying is shown on the poster, it still has created a sense of ambiguity therefore reinforcing the idea of horror and suspense. Saw 2 and Final Destination on the other hand have actually used what is frightening in the movie and therefore portrayed the obvious conventions of horror.

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